Saturday, August 30, 2008

Your body is mostly water

Water is the single most important resource for the human body. Water is the most essential nutrient involved in every function of the body. Water accounts for approximately 70% of an individual’s complete fat free body mass. In order to function properly, water must be consumed in set quantities in consistent intervals (average of 2.5 liters per day). When not enough water is consumed, people can begin to develop certain illnesses and even accelerate their aging processes.Now after establishing the importance of water, one must then think what kind of water is good to drink? Many people believe that the water concentrations in coffee, sodas, and energy drinks will be sufficient for the human body to function on optimal levels; but that is incorrect. Simply stated, the water from these beverages is nothing but poor quality distilled water.

Kangen water is being recognized by more and more people around the world as the purest and healthiest water for the human body. As more and more people have been seeing the benefits of this water, Kangen has gained a vast amount of ground in the health world to become one of Japan’s newest and most popular household names. This delicious water is rich in minerals, purged of free radicals by way of ionization, and can be used in countless ways outside of everyday water drinking.

Dating back to its roots in Japan, Kangen Water essentially means “return to origin”. Because this beautiful world of ours has been polluted and soiled with human waste, the human body has not been able to reach optimal growth potential. Medical studies have long recognized the devastating effects of high levels of acidity in our bodies. Kangen Water has a pH of 8.5 -11.0 which would then make this water basic or an alkaline. In addition to Kangen waters pH level, tests have also shown a negative ORP (oxidizing reduction potential) rating. Kangen water is perhaps the most effective anti-oxidant and its negative ORP rating further proves that hypothesis. Anti-oxidants can help balance out some of these acids and restore the body to equilibrium or its “original state” as it should be, where we can all grow and flourish.

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